Like many projects, the front steps started as a conspiracy between an idea, ample enthusiasm, and a general lack of common sense to hold one back. How nice it would be, we thought, to have fancy-ish paved steps leading up the sloped lawn to our front door.
Not only would this add some appeal to our dreadfully uninteresting forescape, but it would keep those who supply of our neverending cavalcade of Amazon boxes--those that make it all the way to the front door at least--from hopping over the flower beds as they take a shortcut through the lawn and kicking rubber bark onto the sidewalk on their way out.
Of course there were doubts,... sometimes from me but mostly from other people. That didn't stop the progress, but this was our biggest home project to date. It took a very long time indeed, as interference from life and other inconveniences separated the intermittent pockets of project-ing across roughly 18 months of time. |  |